How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A good dream

It's 9:00 in the evening, and I just woke up from a 3 hour nap, in which I had the most positive dream I've ever had about Buddhism and my practice. In spite of the intense post I sent to SGI Diversity this weekend.

In the dream, Stephanie Celano (I think) - by way of disclaimer, she left Buffalo over 15 years ago, ended up working for SGI-USA and marrying an L.A. fireman - but not really her idf you know what I mean, was my girlfriend, and she, or she and I, were taking in a foster child, or actually I think disabled adult, in Sharon and Mike's old house - not their real house - as they were moving into their new house (which they are actually planning to do).

And playing house with her, and helping her take care of a disabled person - both big parts of being a good Buddhist in my dream's world and my mindset in the dream - felt good. Like I was doing the right thing to do with my life.

At the end of the dream, it was time for me to wake up in the morning earlier than them, and I went downstairs to another bedroom or a room where we where temporarily storing bedding, and still tired I lied down and did gongyo to start the morning.

And I did gongyo.

For real. In my real bed, gongyo for morning with my hands together lying there or on my side. As far as I can remember doing a full gongyo.

It felt good, in a dream, to feel good about Buddhism and being a Buddhist, for once finally.

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