How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

"The Dust" as a blovel?

Am considering writing up "The Dust" story -- my screenplay idea as "Bogart battles vampires" -- as a "blovel", just for the joy of writing something, for the joy of sitting here lost for hours actually creating something, something substantive. Like I was doing when I was making my music a few years back. There are issues with character perspective, tone, the interplay of Ron Mayhew's stoic early 20th century front (what we would call machismo) with the reality of his lung cancer and his unacknowledged deep biting worry at the possibility of losing Trish to the vampire Roman -- issues that I honestly think will come across better as a movie, in which the audience will discover these things before Mayhew himself does. These arcing narrative and character themes and processes just feel better as an unfolding movie in which characters act, or react, instead of describe.

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