How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

D'Souza on hypocrisy, or lack thereof

Trying to think up a solid argument against Dinesh D'Souza's contention that it is the moral high ground for a hypocrite, even a hypocrite hiding her or his shortcoming, to point out the same failings in someone else -- pointing out someone's moral or philosophical shortcomings trumps the error of omission for hiding your own.

Hard to work around that. It does make morally logical sense. but still leaves a nasty taste in your mouth; D'Souza's example was Newt Gingrich's working to expose and impeach Bill Clinton for his dalliance with Monica Lewinski, while Gingrich himself was having an extra-marital affair. Just because Gingrich was doing something wrong, did not lessen the fact that Clinton was doing something wrong and that it was Gingrich's responsibility (granted by what or whom, we don't really know; we assume D'Souza's reliance on God and the Christian moral code) to point out and prosecute Clinton's indiscretion.

It is a powerful, and as far as I can figure so far, ironclad, paradigm.

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