How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Friday, February 29, 2008

"Mr. Happiness"

Just read Manet's Mr. Happiness while home for lunch. A few pages long, a monologue: a 30's radio advise man, one of his shows, maybe 15 minutes long; you can so imagine him sitting behind his desk, in a wide-lapeled white suit, his full hair slicked and bobbed. Maybe I am thinking of Criswell, LOL. Yes, his self-righteous earnestness. The kind of man in the the first half of the 20th century man who read Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" with a sage nodding and a knowing smile.

Toward the end I was reading it aloud, imagining recording myself playing him, trying to talk deeply and broadly, knowingly, not sure I can pull it off. But then again it is acting, not simply reading, after all. Some music swelling up at the beginning, music swelling up and down, a resolution, at the very end.

This is new to me, and exciting. Thinking about drama and the theater, twenty-five years after most do, lol.

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