How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Monday, June 30, 2008


In a two week span:

I go a supervisor at a job where I was literally on my own for the past year;

my car gets an annoying but expensive-to-repair problem -- I bring it to a friend's friend, who not only doesn't fix it, but makes the car basically unusable to me. I scrap my car.

After 7 months of almost daily contact, an "online relationship" (an oxymoron) vanishes, she suddenly stops talking to me and when I see her online and pop online, she goes offline. (It's more complicated than that, with a friend of hers who also PMs and emails me, but they are one and the same -- from details I won't get into here).

My angina has been coming back a little -- but getting better most recently -- when I am biking.

My therapist told me she is leaving, dropped that only at our what turned out to be our final session.

So, yeah, in what is usually my favorite time of year, I'm depressed. I am fighting real depression, aching in my bones depression.

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