How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Community Center Opening; and the first anniversary of my heart attack

This morning we had the official opening of our new Community Center. It is also the first anniversary of my heart attack - if you take my actual heart attack being a week into my sore chest which I though was (or was) the flu or infection, when I had the Good Friday broadcast of "The Sound of Music" on, my chest and left shoulders and arm aching, hunched over sideways, calling Dad asking his advice about going to the hospital, deciding not to, relieved when I actually awoke the next morning (my phone on the bed next to my head, so I coud use it right there if I could).

Anyway, it was a great opening, Danny Nagashima gave an excited great talk, pointing out at the wonderful dragon the children's group had carried into the Gohonzon Room with drums and ribbons: he explained that for a message to yesterday's New York City Lincoln Center(?) meeting from President Ikeda, Sensei told the New York area they should be like "an ascending dragon" -- and Danny was blown away by the truly beautiful dragon a couple of the children's fathers had created and the children pranced through the aisles two times.

Right now it is sunny and light breeze and 60 -- stopped on Elmwood for some salty cheesy fried food from Jim's Steak Out, and Elmwood was SO busy, full of laughing young people. A perfect day for a bike ride, especially now that G. is apparently offline (except for my bloated fullness from my wolfing down the fries and burrito). I've got a couple windows open, even though the breeze when it scoops in is chilled.

Perfect for a bike ride, with a jacket. And a LOT of riders were out on the streets and sidewalks. But, I went for a 55 minute ride late yesterday afternoon -- my usual 40 minute circuit, but of course I am slower just starting out. So I am TIRED. And I don't want to push myself too much even though part of me *craves* working out. I can almost feel the addictiveness of it. And I know my body needs it, just to bre strong and survive. But I am going to lie down now; maybe for just an hour or two, and then talk with G. again or go for a ride.

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