How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I guess I'm grieving

Feeling so restless lately...

I know I am grieving.

The abrupt changes at work (even if they are for the better in the overall scheme of things); suddenly losing G. (and wondering if I ever had her at all); losing my car (basically losing it, giving it up now, because someone screwed up while trying to repair it).

So as I have said, everything can be new again. If I choose.

But this 4-day weekend seems to have been almost a loss. I don't even feel rested.

Hopefully I will feel more relieved after I get my first bonus paycheck, hopefully getting and getting it cashed by Thursday. Just to have enough money to hire a cab to bring my laundry to the cleaners Saturday morning, just to have enough money to "refill" my credit card, maybe make a couple online purchases without having to worry about going over my limit when the monthly charges come in. Just to have enough to get some food at the co-op deli without worrying about the few dollars.

More, that I want, and I need to take care of, but that would be the start...

Right now, I know I am still grieving. G. And my car. And my former freedom at work. Why can’t I just accept that?

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