How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A comment of mine on Huffpost today

A comment of mine on a Huffington Post story about President George W. Bush appearing on "Deal or No Deal", and making a joke about his own low approval ratings. Maybe not specific to the article and video, but in the same vein as some other who commented about this man's joking while he has fucked up lives and deeply damaged America ----

George W. Bush is a sociopath. Like Ted Bundy and Drew Peterson, he has no feelings for anyone but himself. Literally.

For Bush, words, language, and gestures, have zero emotional impact - so he can say and do whatever he thinks he has to say to get what he wants from people. He can lie, and feel no remorse.

The vast majority of such people are not killers or lying politicians -- They actually tend to be successful: because they have no real empathy for other people (but they know how to make people *think* they do), they see the world as literally a "game", they smoothly manipulate others -- get the beautiful women, win the top salesman awards, say that a 51% electoral win is a "landslide" because that is what they want -- because empathy and sympathy for the other person does not get in in the way of what THEY want.

Thank you, you millions of naive Christians, for not seeing this man for what he really is, and voting for him twice.

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