How I am surviving a heart attack and quadruple bypass, and maybe even surviving life...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life in the online world...

After several months absence from Yahoo IM, P has begun popping up again. After chatting this past week for the first time since Spring, it because obvious to me that it is G/L.

Why doesn't whoever it is just come clean? He or she obviously feels something for me, if he or she will keep communicating with me, after he or she created a storyline that made G drop off from IMing me.

I am torn between just never replying again, to L or P; and wanting the veil to drop.

But even if he or she does come clean -- and I now assume they are a guy, because all three have asked me pointedly if I like men, and acted like they wanted me to say I did when I told them I didn't -- here, online, there is no way to tell if what he or she says is the truth is the truth.

I have been trying to re-orient myself to the real.

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